Human trafficking is the transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploiting that person for either commercial sex activity, labor, or services. Human trafficking has reached epidemic proportions in Palm Beach County as well as all across Florida. Two of the main reasons for the meteoric rise in human trafficking is greed and the unquestioned existence of evil that exists in society. The motives of traffickers are money, as it is a $150 billion dollar industry. In the United States, human trafficking is now the second most profitable criminal activity. Due to factors such as its covert nature, lack of local community awareness, deficient resources in law enforcement, and limited funding allocated to fight this epidemic; estimates for the number of human trafficking victims are severely underreported. Florida and Palm Beach County are very vulnerable to human trafficking due to its large agricultural economy (forced labor), sizeable immigrant population, and large tourism industry (sex slaves).

Traffickers employ a variety of control tactics; the most common include physical and emotional abuse, isolation from friends and family, and economic exploitation. These predators make promises aimed at addressing the needs of their target to impose control over them. No one is immune, and parents must be involved and educated in order to protect their youth. Traffickers target minor victims on-line, on the street, large public places such as shopping malls or events, through friends, or recruitment by other youth at schools.


Below is a list of some common indicators of people who may be vulnerable to become a victim of human trafficking:

Below is a list of some potential signs that a child may be trafficked:

How Do I Report a Suspected Incidence of Human Trafficking?


In cases of immediate emergencies, it is best to call your local police department or emergency access number. For more information, please contact:

National Human Trafficking Resource Center

Text “BeFree – 233733”

DCF Abuse Hotline

Palm Beach County Sheriff – Human Trafficking Unit
(561) 687-6838

Palm Beach County Victim Services
(561) 833-7273

Catholic Charities
(561) 345-2008


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Recovery – The recovery statistics for Human Trafficking is staging; as only 1-2% of child trafficking victims are recovered.

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Young Victims – Human trafficking victims are documented as young as 11 years old, with the average age of children entry into sex trafficking to be 12-14 years old.

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Modern Day Slavery – Estimates show that there are up to 50 million modern day slaves world-wide.
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Growing Enterprise – Human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing criminal enterprise, valued to be an estimated $150 billion-a-year global industry.


American Society for the Protection of Freedom and Families (ASPFF) will bring attention, advocacy, education, and resources to fight against the human trafficking epidemic in Palm Beach County, as well as nationally. We will also work to reduce the dramatic rise in the number of human trafficking victims by educating both parents and youth. For more information about the ASPFF Human Trafficking Program, please email

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