The American Society for the Protection of Freedom and Families (ASPFF.ORG) is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to helping parents and youth of all races, gender, and beliefs navigate through a difficult and changing societal environment, and to promote a foundation of strong moral character and principals. ASPFF will fight against the sexual exploitation of children and the atrocities of human trafficking in Palm Beach County and work to bring justice for those responsible.
ASPFF is a non-political organization. We will expose policies and programs that are potentially harmful to the future of our youth. We are not a faith-based organization and will not force religion on anybody, as we believe everyone must come to the Lord by their own free will. However, ASPFF does encourage our families to have a strong base and foundation through a relationship with God. A strong faith will provide individuals an important armor in the fight against extreme and detrimental ideology; as well as provide a shield against evil acts that are currently attacking our families.

When examining the radical societal changes and movements transpiring for the past several years, as well as the rise of evil cruelties such as the sexual exploitation of children and human trafficking; Founder Scott Giebler decided the time was now to get off the sidelines and take action. Scott created the American Society for the Protection of Freedom and Families to be a difference maker and an instrument for positive change in the South Florida Community as well as all across our great nation. Over the past several years, there has been a big decline in many Americans rights to free speech. ASPFF believes both conservatives and liberals are afforded equal rights given to us under the First Amendment. We will work to protect those constitutional rights.
Unfortunately, many of our educators, media members, corporate directors, government officials, and military leaders are creating division between people of different races, genders, and beliefs. The Biblical principles and teachings of loving one another is one all of us should adopt. ASPFF is determined to advocate against growing radical programs such as critical race theory and gender identity. We believe this curriculum creates division and is hurting the future of our great country. Parental rights in education are under constant attack. ASPFF will fight for the rights of parents to have a say in what their child are being taught. We believe schools should spend their valued time in the classroom teaching kids core subjects such as math, reading, writing, science, history, etc. and not become a political influencer or try to confuse children on what biological sex they were born with. ASPFF cares deeply about helping our current as well as our next generation reach their God given potential and to realize a bright and prosperous future.
The time is NOW to take action, and with your support TOGETHER we will:
- Help impede the rise in the sexual exploitation of children and human trafficking.
- Defend freedom of speech for all Americans.
- Build our next generation of leaders with a strong foundation of morals, character, ethics, and principals.
We are a donor and volunteer-based organization that relies on individuals like you to give their time and financial resources to support our mission. For more information about ASPFF, please e-mail